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RESPONSIBILITY -  Besides creating lovely and durable games we strive for environmental awareness and sustainability during the production of marbushka games and toys. Our creativity, way of thinking and our entire business is friendly to the environment. Papers used in our production are certified by the FSC and PEFC organizations, which guarantee that forests are being cut in accordance with the standards, replanted and responsibly maintained. The cardboards of our games are made of 90% recycled paper.

PARTLY HANDMADE - With the exception of printing and binding, the production of all Marbushka games are made by hand. Hand-made products less impact on the environment.

NATURAL - We prefer natural materials: paper, wood, canvas. We use natural paints to colour and protect the wooden parts of our games.

FAIRTRADE - Marbushka toys are made mainly in Hungary. Our partners, suppliers, manufacturers and retailers are small, family-run businesses. All of Marbushka's products are made in sweatshop-free conditions.